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Ganesh Dhareshwar

  • Group:art exhibition

Ganesh Dhareshwar

Ganesh Krishna Dhareshwar, born in 1981, completed his B.F.A Painting from University College of Fine Art, Davangere, Karnataka. He is currently working as a freelance artist and muralist in Bangalore and honourable ex-member of Karnataka Lalit Kala Academy.  

Mr. Dhareshwar’s paintings are a medley of traditional thoughts and contemporary visual dialogues. His works exemplify different elements including colours, shapes, lines, textures and composition which develop a narrative and connection between nature, technology and human existence.  

Ganesh Dhareshwar has won three gold medals in B.F.A Painting and recipient of the Yuva Kala Mela Award, Kala Pratibhotsava Award, CCRT Senior fellowship by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India among others. He has participated in several solo and group shows, art camps and so on.   

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