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Ganesh Doddamani

  • Group:art exhibition

Ganesh Doddamani

Ganesh Doddamani, born in Ramdurg, Karnataka has a B.F.A from M.M.K College of Visual Art, Gulbarga and M.V.A from Kala Bhavan, Santiniketan, West Bengal. As an artist, he has always had a great passion towards figurative art and the heritage of India.  

He has been using abstract and vibrant colour combinations to create landscape paintings that craft a sense of reality. Mr. Doddamani with 19 years of experience, as an artist has evolved in many ways. To create a sense of rhythm, he uses dark and light bands which in turn creates a space of familiarity and unfamiliarity simultaneously.  

He has numerous solo and group shows to his credit as an Indian Contemporary artist. He has been honoured with several awards and recognitions the latest being the Varnakala Sanskruti Sangh Award, Karnataka Lalit Kala Academy Award, Government of Karnataka, Hampi National Award among others.   

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