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Satish Multhalli

  • Group:art exhibition

Satish Multhalli

Satish Multhalli, born in Hireanaji village in Haveri District, has a rich educational background in Art, holding a GD Art, BFA, and MFA in Painting from RKN and MMK College of Visual Art, Gulbarga. An acclaimed artist, Satish has won prestigious awards such as the 2017-18 Prafulla Dahanukar Art Foundation award and the 58th National Exhibition of Art by LKA in New Delhi in 2017.

Mr. Satish has participated in numerous group exhibitions and art camps, including the Krishna Shetty Foundation’s “Resilience” (2022), “Uncertainty” woodcut prints at Chitrakala Parishath, Bengaluru (2021), and “7 Tones” at Jahangir Gallery, Mumbai. His work has also been showcased in solo exhibitions, supported by Kannada & Culture Bangalore, in Hyderabad and at Baroda sponsored by Karnataka Lalithkala Academy among others. He has been attending several art camps since 1998 and has been a recipient of numerous scholarships. His paintings are part of collections in the Karnataka Lalit Kala Academy and various private and public collections worldwide, including in Mexico, Switzerland, the USA, Canada, and France. Currently, Satish continues his artistic journey in Hireanaji, Haveri District.

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