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B A Mohammed Ali

B. A. Muhammad Ali who is known as Muhammad Ali Kammeradi served in various capacities in New Mangalore Port Authority, Panambur for 41 years. Later, the Karnataka State Government appointed him as a member of the Karnataka State Food Commission, where he served in this honourable post for four years.

Many stories, poems and articles written by him in Kannada and Byari Kannada have been published in various newspapers in the country. Muhammad Ali, who is also a poet, has participated in many poetry gatherings. In 2022, he got an opportunity to present Byari’s poetry at the prestigious Mysore Dussehra Poetry Festival.

He was the Founder member of ‘Byari Sahitya and Cultural Association’ and ‘Kendra Byari Sahitya Parishad’, General Secretary of ‘Karnataka Muslim Authors Association’ and co-editor of ‘Barivarthe’ monthly magazine.

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