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Omshivaprakash H L

Omshivaprakash H L is a Digital Archivist and Entrepreneur with a passion for building linguistic tech and archival initiatives focused on art, history, culture, and literature. He is a co-founder of the #ServantsOfKnowledge initiative, which has been instrumental in digitizing and making accessible various books, manuscripts, and magazines across India, helping to preserve the nation’s rich literary heritage. Through his ventures, he specializes in developing language technology solutions for Kannada and other Indian languages.

A dedicated Wikipedian and Mozillan, Omshivaprakash is committed to open knowledge, open access, and community-driven projects. He also co-founded Sanchaya (, a platform enhancing Kannada literary research through technology, and the Sanchi Foundation (, which digitally documents Kannada art, history, culture, and literature. Notably, Vachana Sanchaya ( has had a lasting impact by making research accessible to the public. His work continues to inspire and impact communities locally and globally, reflecting his deep commitment to the Kannada language and culture.

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